Price for wedding photo shooting and video

Lug 21, 2020


The price for wedding photo shooting and video is different from one to another, as there are differences between wedding. Usually this is due to these main differences:


One of the first aspects that affects the price of wedding service is in how many locations we need to move on. In fact, the first things we ask the couple are: where there will be dressing of marriage, where the ceremony will take place, which will be the location and if there are planned other moves during the evening.
You well understand that the price is different if dressing is in one unique location ( castle or villa) or if in two places, as there will be involved one or more assistants that go to the groom’s house with their cars.
Another aspect to consider is that if the location is nearby the city or neighborhood for the videomaker or photographer or if necessary overnight the day before, for being quiet and arriving on time for the wedding day.


one of the most important aspects is service duration for wedding photo and video shooting and on consequence quantity of material for that day.
The couple can personalize the duration  and consequently our presence during the day, their photo and video shoot till the moment they prefer.
Obviously if hours are more thus also the price will be higher.


We put on disposal for every couple some extra services that allow you to enrich this important day with your parents and friends.


Sometimes couples never consider one of the most important aspects about costs for photo and video-wedding service:


As for any product there is always a quality/price ratio and everything begins from where exactly you expect from us, work and our creativity for dealing with a day special as yours.
The hallmarks of a professional are:
  • PATHOS: empathy is in everyone and you cannot learn anywhere. Creating some elections with a wedding couple, means to arrive calm and quiet on wedding day with the people who are shooting your best memories.
  • TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT: Do you ever risk to rely on your most important day to a friend without adequate professional equipment or secure backups? Quotes about wedding photo and video services also include this safety. Moreover, reliability labour colors on post-production with high-end stuff respect to other monitors with a value of 50 euros will permit you to notice at first the differences they have in both print and digital phase.
  • SPECIALIZATION: it’s known that “fatigues will be well rewarded…”  Choosing a professional photographer or videomaker specialized in the wedding sector is different from choosing between photographers and video makers that also do weddings.

Due to this variety that determines the price with a wedding service with me, please feel free to contact me by phone call first as you can tell me about your first wedding details and infos about it for giving you general prices. After this with an appointment in my office in Mestre (Venice) or with Zoom platform if you are far away I can give you better informations  about and create the best quote for you.

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