how much time before i need to book wedding service

I need to book wedding service

Mag 7, 2020

How much time before I need to book wedding service

The question is: How much time before I need to book wedding service? Honestly there’s not a precise date. With choices you have lots of factors. One of the most important surely is the period you chose to get married. Moreover, it affects the value you give to the memory of your wedding day and consequently the type of videomaker or photographer you are looking for.

Wedding date

The choice of date is important to decide how much time before you need to reserve the service.

There are periods I have many requests for the same day and other  less. Generally the most asked period is from May to September, thanks to also the summer, meanwhile is more unusual to celebrate wedding on winter season or during cold months.

As day of the week, by now from many years Saturday is absolutely the favourite day for couples. The main reason is that you have all Sunday then to chill out and recover your energies after the party of the day before. June, July and September are the most requested months and if you are thinking about a Saturday of these months, it can be necessary to reserve it a year and a half before. Infact, we are talking about high and hot season, not only for the weather.

Meanwhile is different if the day is during the week.

Generally the weekday has more possibilities to be free even if during last years many couple choose to get married on Friday or another weekday that is not the weekend.

This type of choice has its advantages. As these are less asked dates, you will have more possibilities to find providers free and moreover most of them apply some special discounts to whom who celebrate wedding on these days, as less busy.

The importance of wedding photo service and video for you

For the choice about time to book is very useful to think about also to the importance you give to wedding photo and video services. Is something you “are forced” to do or photography and video have a big value? Are you happy with any photographer or are you looking for a precise style, vision and quality for your memories? According to manner and level of photographer, booking dates can change considerably.

You can choose a photographer that works alone with a limited number of wedding during the year and follow personally every of them in every part of work.

Generally who works in this way have a certain care on the shoots of post production of images.

He works with an artistic and creative research that leads his style and his personal way to deal with images the day of wedding.

Obviously more than freelance is good more he is requested. In this case is recommended to ask and book him well in advance to not find the date busy.

Empathy with the photographer

I believe that the photographer  have to be chosen for his style as it is fundamental, since then pictures will accompany you for the rest of your life and once you captured them they won’t be re-made.

Moreover is important that the wedding couple know already the photographer who with they will spend lots of hours during that day and is important to create an empathy with him for working on the best way.

It hardly happens if there will be a person who you never meet before. This is a thing that usually you never think about, but if the couple is not at ease with the photographer and there’s not the feeling, the wedding shooting suffers. For the newlyweds will be hard to show their feelings and to trust the photographer.

My approach to photography is artisanal and I prefer the quality to quantity. I chose in this way to take care in first-hand of every wedding , from shooting, to selection, to post production and to album layout. This means I accept only a limited number of wedding during the year for guarantee the quality standard of my works and dedicate the right  creative energy to each of them

If you want to see my pictures, please click here

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